About Us

Charity Charity Ball is a 18-year-old teenager whose life is dominated by solving the murder of her sister, Isabella Ball. Isabella was suffocated in 2016 and the killer was never brought to justice.

She is a Dutch Sikh who defines herself as gay. She didn’t finish school.

Physically, Charity is slightly overweight but otherwise in good shape. She is tall with cocao skin, black hair and brown eyes. She has buck teeth.

She grew up in an upper class neighbourhood. Her mother left when she was young, leaving her with her father, who was a drunk.

She is currently in a relationship with Melissa Leonie Humphreys. Melissa is 8 years older than her and works as a screenplay writer.

Charity’s best friend is a teenager called Roy Kennedy. They get on well most of the time. She also hangs around with Marco Dean and Andreas Nelson. They enjoy looking for clues together.